The RAISE project focuses on infrastructure improvements along the CityLink Blue and CityLink Orange lines to provide faster, more reliable transit and improved pedestrian safety.

comment form

Make a Comment

Complete this Comment Form to let us know your thoughts on proposed improvements and potential impacts along the RAISE project corridor.

Interactive Map

Click the interactive map below to see the RAISE project corridor up close. Various proposed project elements can be viewed, including potential full-time and peak-period Dedicated Bus Lanes (DBLs), bus bulbs, a queue jump,Transit Signal Priority (TSP), Real-Time Information Signs (RTIS), lighting, bicycle facilities, and pedestrian and ADA improvements. You can leave comments directly in the map about the locations and types of possible project improvements you’d like to see implemented! Quality feedback from stakeholders is a key component to developing a successful project that meets the needs of all users, and we encourage you to share your thoughts!

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